Frequently asked questions
Last updated on May 7, 2024
Understanding the “kerf” of the laser
The laser burns away a portion of material when it cuts through. This is known as the laser kerf and ranges from 0.08mm – 1mm depending on the material type and other conditional factors.
For a tighter connection, I add a kerf of 0.15mm to all my files. This allows the product to be assembled without glue or with a minimum amount of glue.
Custom sizing of existing patterns.
I can resize most of my designs as you wish. Just write me a private message which file you need. What dimensions do you need, in inches or millimeters. What thickness of material you will be using. Do I need to add a kerf.
Can I sell finished products using purchased files?
Yes, you can make products. You can sell it. You can make money on this. You don’t need to make any additional payments, you buy a file once and that’s it. But the resale of digital files is prohibited, even if you modify my files.